Stress Management
Stress and Adaptation as Related to Sensory Perceptual Isolation Research
Shurley, J. T.
Journal - Year
Water Immersion and Flotation: From Stress Experiment to Stress Treatment
Suedfeld, P., Ballard, E. J. and Murphy, M.
Journal of Environmental Psychology - 1983
REST in the Treatment of Persistent Psychophysiological Insomnia
Ballard, E
Environmental Stimulation: New Developments and Perspectives - 1989
Replication of a Clinical Outcome Study on a Hospital-Based Stress Management and Behavioral Medicine Program Utilizing Flotation REST and Biofeedback
Gilbert M. Koula, John C. Kemp, Keith M. Keane and Allan D. Belden
Restricted Environmental Stimulation - 1990
Enhancing Hypnotizability Differential Effects of Flotation REST and Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Kaplan, G. and Barabasz, A.
Restricted Environmental Stimulation: Research and Commentary - 1990
Effects of Chamber REST, Flotation REST and Relaxation on Transient Mood State
Barabasz, A., Barabasz, M., Dyer, R. & Rather, N.
Clinical and Experimental Restricted Environmental Stimulation: New Developments and Perspectives - 1993
Health & Therapeutic applications of chamber and flotation REST Therapy
Peter Suedfeld & Roderick A. Bow
Psychology & Health - 1999
Flotation Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) as a Stress-Management Tool; A meta-analysis
Dierendonck, D. & Nijenhuis, J.
Psychology and Health - 2005
Bending and Mending the Neurosignature. Frameworks of Influence by Flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) Upon Wellbeing in Patients with Stress Related Ailments
Bood, S. Å.
Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden - 2006
Effects of REST(Restricted Environmental Stimulation technique) on Stress Related Muscle Pain: Are 33 Flotation Sessions More Effective than 12 Sessions?
Bood, S. Å., Sundequist, U., Kjellgren, A., Nordström, G., & Norlander, T.
Personality and Behaviour - 2007
Treating stress-related pain with the flotation restricted environmental stimulation technique: Are there differences between women and men?
Sven Å Bood PhD, Anette Kjellgren PhD, Torsten Norlander PhD Prof
Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden - 2009
Enhanced Independence and Quality of Life Through Treatment with Flotation-Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique of a Patient with both Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Aspergers Syndrome: A Case Report
​Edebol, H., Kjellgren, A., Bood, A., and Norlander, T.
Cases Journal - 2009
Searching for Placebo Effects: Do Sensitive Personality and Breathing Instructions Influence the Experience of FlotationREST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique)?
Anette Kjellgren*, Andreas Lindahl, & Torsten Norlander
Individual Differences Research - 2009
Preventing Sick-leave for Sufferers of High Stress-load and Burnout Syndrome: A Pilot Study Combining Psychotherapy and the Flotation tank
Anette Kjellgren*, Hanne Buhrkall and Torsten Norlander
InternatIonal Journal of Psychology and PsychologIcal therapy - 2011