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Pain Management


REST-Assisted Relaxation and Chronic Pain


Fine, T.; Turner, J.

Journal - Year

Health and Clinical Psychology - 1985

​Flotation For The Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Mereday, C., Lehman, C. & Borrie, R.

Restricted Environmental Stimulation: Research and Commentary - 1990

Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy for Chronic Tension Headache: A Pilot Study

Wallbaum, A.B., Rzewnicki, R., Steele, H., Suedfeld, P.

International Journal of Psychosomatics. - 1991

 Effects of flotation - REST on Muscle Tension Pain 

Kjellgren, A., Nordström, G., & Norlander, T., Archer, T.

Pain Management in Osteopathic Medicine: The Efficacy of Flotation REST as an Adjunct to Spinal Manipulation for Acute Non-specific Low Back Pain. A Case Report

Rogan, A., Morris T., Gibbons, P. 

Karlstad University - 2001

Journal of Oseopathic Medicine - 2001

Effects of Flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) on Stress Related Muscle Pain: What Makes the Difference in Therapy, AttentionPlacebo, or the Relaxation Response?

Bood, S. Å., Sundequist, U., Kjellgren, A., Nordström, G., & Norlander, T.

Pain Research and Mangement - 2005

Case Studies on Fibromyalgia and Burn-out Depression Using Psychotherapy in Combination with FlotationREST Personality Development and Increased Wellbeing

Åsenlöf, K., Olsson, S., Bood, S. Å., & Norlander, T.

Imagination, Cognition and Personality - 2007

Effects of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Enhancement of Hypnotizability for Experimental and Chronic Pain Control

Barabasz, A.F., Barabasz, M.

International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis - 1989

Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders and Their Treatment Using Floatation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique)

Edebol, H., Bood, A., Bood, S. Norlander, T.

Qualitative Health Research - 2008

The Effects of Floatation REST on the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Roderick Borrie, Ph.D. Tamara Russell, Ph.D. and Stefan Schneider, Ph.D. 


Beneficial Effects of Treatment with Sensory Isolation in Flotation-tank as a Preventive Health-care Intervention – a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial

Kjellgren, A. and Westman, J

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - 2014

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